Mishri is also known as Rock Sugar. It is an unrefined form of sugar. It is used for culinary as well as medicinal purposes. Mishri has its origin in India and Persia; it is made from crystallized and flavored sugar.
Actually, Mishri is a type of confectionery mineral which is edible and tasty as well. It is basically of two types non-crystalline candy and crystalline candy. Mishri is made from the solution of sugarcane and the sap of Palmyra palm tree. It is made by pouring the solution of sugarcane into drums where threads are already placed and the solution is allowed to dry around the threads. Crystals were grown as a result of cooling supersaturated sugar solutions.
It is not just a healthier substitute to table sugar, but has quite some health benefits to look up to. So if you have been only eating Mishri at a restaurant as a mouth freshener, it is time you make way for them at your home too.
According to Ayurveda, rock sugar is a coolant which is healthier than sugar because it is purified naturally. Mishri is very rich in essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is believed to have an important vitamin- B-12, which is rarely found in vegetarian food.

Here are some of the well-known and important benefits Mishri has to offer, apart from just being a mouth freshener:
- Relieves cough and sore throat: Cold weather may cause various health problems, which also include cough and sore throat. However, it is believed that Mishri may have certain medicinal properties and essential nutrients that help relieve these conditions instantly.
- Makes for a great digestive: Not only is it used as a mouth freshener but also as a digestive alongside fennel seeds. Its digestive properties start the process of digestion immediately.
- Mishri for Mouth Ulcers: Rock sugar is good to cure mouth ulcers (Chhale); simply use it with green cardamom.
- Hoarseness of Voice: Mishri is very effective to cure hoarseness of voice. Whenever you have dry, hoarse throat and loss of voice, consume Mishri with dry ginger.
- Rock Sugar for Kidney Stone: Rock sugar is a supportive medicine of removing kidney stone; use it with onion juice if you have kidney stone.
- Breathing Problem: Mishri is helpful in breathing problem too; use it with black pepper (kali mirch) and milk Malai.
- Headache due to Poor Vision: Many people generally face the problem of headache due to poor vision, Mishri helps to control this headache naturally. Eat rock sugar with fennel seeds and green cardamom.
- Helps boost hemoglobin levels: Low hemoglobin levels may cause problems like anemia, pale skin, dizziness, weakness and general fatigue among others. Mishri comes as a rescuer as it not only helps increase hemoglobin levels, but also regenerates blood circulation in the body.
While Mishri may have certain benefits, it is important to note that it is sweet, hence should not be overeaten as it may cause other health problems. It is better to always consult a doctor before adding it in your diet.
To purchase Mishri online, follow the link:
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